
So im not really sure if this belongs here (mods if it doesnt please move it), but this morning when i was bitching about attempting to get a plow i came up with an idea. So i took some wood and made myself a little plow. Now this looks retarded only becase well it IS retarded. I had moved all of about 4 inches of snow when i had heard a crack and thus stopping my amusement with this idea. I took it off and put it back in the basement but in a discussion with mr. adictd2boost i had put it back on for pictures. Without further babling i bring you the newest winter car accessory. Let me know what you think…

umm yea either the board with break or it will just rip the bumper off

yeah the cracking was the plate for my bumper appearently plastic isnt as strong as it should be

thats should of took your bumper off and bolted it to your bumper support and put a wedge beteen the buttom of the board and your car so it wont buckle under when you plow foward. Ever try having a friend sit on your hood with a shovel and you drive foward to plow your driveway? doesn’t work to well.

If you supported it correctly that would have probably worked for a while longer. And if you put it on a car you don’t care about you could probably make one that would really last.

I wish I had pictures of the one I made when I was 14 for my 4wheeler. One of my chores was keeping our 250+ foot driveway shoveled. Always being an engineer at heart, one day I set out to find a better way. Being 14 I had no money, so I used stuff I could find around the house, including:

Some old 2x4’s
2 really heavy duty door hinges
Some plywood
Some random nuts/bolts

I managed to build a sweet V plow a little wider than the quad, that would lift and lower via a rope pulley system. I could leave a 10" long 2x4 bolted to the front frame and simply remove the hinge pins to take it off, so mounting and removal was a 30 second job. Clearing the driveway went from an hour+ job to 10 minutes tops.

I changed the design a little bit with different bracing, but basically it lasted several years, including almost 2 feet of wet heavy snow in one storm, until I sold the quad and gave the plow to the new owner.

haha yea, when you told me what you were doing i couldn’t help but laugh a lil, nice pics !

the better question is would you have driven around in your car with the plywood on the front if it had worked???

nah i just really didnt want to shovel, but yeah i woulda went house to house if it worked. Suprisingly from what im reading here i was onto something that could potentially have been a really good idea if i had a winter beater.


I wish I had pictures of the one I made when I was 14 for my 4wheeler.


i always wondered if some one could do that with a piece of plywood. always wanted to do it! F shoveling snow!

You. Bolted. A piece of plywood. To your plastic bumper. Just 2 bolts. :jawdrop:
