
I wish I had pictures of the one I made when I was 14 for my 4wheeler. One of my chores was keeping our 250+ foot driveway shoveled. Always being an engineer at heart, one day I set out to find a better way. Being 14 I had no money, so I used stuff I could find around the house, including:

Some old 2x4’s
2 really heavy duty door hinges
Some plywood
Some random nuts/bolts

I managed to build a sweet V plow a little wider than the quad, that would lift and lower via a rope pulley system. I could leave a 10" long 2x4 bolted to the front frame and simply remove the hinge pins to take it off, so mounting and removal was a 30 second job. Clearing the driveway went from an hour+ job to 10 minutes tops.

I changed the design a little bit with different bracing, but basically it lasted several years, including almost 2 feet of wet heavy snow in one storm, until I sold the quad and gave the plow to the new owner.