Pogo GoPro

Now the reason I’m posting this is not to start the debate on whether this competes with Roller Blades or Razr mastery in oddball trickery but rather if anybody can recognize the local establishment seen a number of times in the video.

Easy shot to recognize is around 1:00


But if you actually realize how hard those tricks are and are impressed by the matter, power to ya.


I did many a 180 roll backs, 360s, manuals, up and down those steps… most of which failed attempts ending in bloody shins from BMX pedals.

There is no debate… Gods honest truth, he told me last night Pogo-ing is def as gay as fruitbooting and razor-ing and gave Steve Crandall and Mike Valley permission to knock a pogo-er out if they ever were at their riding spots pulling that crap.

Too easy.

Yeah it was obviously UA. The Lecture/Fountain area gave it away immediately.

I’m not hip on what people consider a sport such as BMXing, etc. but that was a pretty cool video. Those guys got some moves.

i didn’t even know adults were aloud to have pogo stick except the HOP ROD