true that. mines messy till i go to bed, then i straighten everything out and refluff the pillows[/QUOTE]
I’m definitely in this group as well. I never really fully make the bed unless I have company over other than the gf. Everything else in the apartment tends to stay neat tho.
+1 for making it before sleeping
i have never actually made my bed and im pretty proud of that. the only time it gets made is when the gf does it and that isnt to often.
I think theres something about getting into a freshly made bed which helps you sleep. Yet, im normally dead when I finally go to bed and dont bother.
Truth, makes it a lot easier for those times when I can actually get to sleep in the first place.
I don’t need the bed to be perfect but I like to atleast pull the covers up and have them straight
I make my bed when I cange the sheets
All this bed talk is making me sleepy
i only slept for 1.5 hours last night. WTF.
Almost never
why the fuck would you make your bed everyday? you’re just gonna mess it up again.
if you think it makes you sleep better… or it satisfies you to see it neat… or you can’t concentrate during the day unless it was done… you have fucking issues! go see a therapist!
i remember when my gramma used to try to teach me to make it every day… i was like 7, and thought it was the one of the strangest things that adults did. perfect way to waste time.
PS: why is there a “sometimes” option on the poll? The question is: “Do you make your bed everyday.” So it’s either yes, or no, there is no SOMETIMES. noobs.
i guess it should have said “when you wake up”, not “e’ryday”
and since i spend so much time in my room, I like it when my shit is neat. I hate coming home to a mess, so that’s why i don’t like leaving the house without making it.
almost never. i only do when im having a lady over. lol
damn metro.
I put a pin through all the covers’ leading edges. Want to make the bed? Throw the whole section back in place and put the pillows on - done.
I used to when I still had my bed (its in storage at the moment)… now I just take my blanket and pillow and throw them on a chair next to the couch