The people were complying. They were moving. They were on bicycles. The people in front of them stopped. The cops shove the bikers multiple times into the people in front of them, causing a pile up. Cops hits the girl hard in the back. Girl reacts by throwing bike up and somewhat in their direction as an obvious act of frustration (no intent to injure). Cop responds by bashing her in the head with nightstick and another cop smashes her into the ground, via her head.
If you cannot see that the police are the ones that provoked this, you are an idiot. Typical asshole toughguy Pittsburgh cop acting like a fucking douchebag. 100lb girl on a bicycle… .yeah, real threat there.
The funny thing is that the people in this thread are condoning the violence against her because of her assumed motivations (she’s a dirty hippie, blah blah blah). I wonder how you would all feel if cars that got less than 40mpg were outlawed or Obama outlawed handguns or some shit like that… and it was one of us that was out there protesting. Simple minded fucks.
I don’t see the part where that girl riding her bike on the sidewalk is in any way trespassing, impeding traffic, or breaking windows.