police brutality?

I would have done more than turn around and “throw” my bike if it was me. It was OBVIOUS that her doing that was a kneejerk reaction to getting beat by the cops as she was OBVIOUSLY trying to comply. It was unnecessary violence on the part of the police that caused her to react. That counts for something. IMHO, it counts for a LOT.

Peacefully assemble on property where they are permitted.

It is still tresspassing regardless of their purpose.

I don’t see the part where they can impede traffic and break windows?

The people were complying. They were moving. They were on bicycles. The people in front of them stopped. The cops shove the bikers multiple times into the people in front of them, causing a pile up. Cops hits the girl hard in the back. Girl reacts by throwing bike up and somewhat in their direction as an obvious act of frustration (no intent to injure). Cop responds by bashing her in the head with nightstick and another cop smashes her into the ground, via her head.

If you cannot see that the police are the ones that provoked this, you are an idiot. Typical asshole toughguy Pittsburgh cop acting like a fucking douchebag. 100lb girl on a bicycle… .yeah, real threat there.

The funny thing is that the people in this thread are condoning the violence against her because of her assumed motivations (she’s a dirty hippie, blah blah blah). I wonder how you would all feel if cars that got less than 40mpg were outlawed or Obama outlawed handguns or some shit like that… and it was one of us that was out there protesting. Simple minded fucks.

I don’t see the part where that girl riding her bike on the sidewalk is in any way trespassing, impeding traffic, or breaking windows.

'Cept at :33-:35 seconds in when she’s trying to walk her bike but she’s straddling it and the cop twice pushes her in lower back with club grasped in both hands. So, umm, yeah, she was moving away.

The cop didn’t club her, he pushed her. That goes back to a post a made a few posts back- what should the cops have done? They refused to disperse- the cops were forced to disperse them. The cops didn’t wade into the crowd with clubs a-swingin’. The cop took reasonable actions to force the crowd to disperse by physically moving them. I’d think she would be happy that she was going to avoid being arrested.

Ever get pushed while straddling a bike at slow speeds or while walking over it? Me and my buddies used to do this all the time to fuck with each other when we were mountain biking. Balance during that while moving at slow speeds isn’t easy cause you got a bike between your legs, and if it wasn’t being done in fun, it’d really piss a person off. I can’t imagine getting a grasped club to the lower back, enough to show definite change in her velocity both times, would make her a happy camper, when all she’s trying to do is move out. Her reaction is wrong and deserved what she got. But what was done to her first was not right. They should be treated as two seperate incidences. She gets what she gets for asaulting an officer. But the original officer should have the smack brought down on him, too.

So, her reaction to get “pushed” by the police, which is a perfectly reasonable action that the police took in response to an illegally formed crowd which had been actively participating in vanadlism and property damage (all along Forbes- broken windows and damaged businesses), was to assault a police officer. In response, she was subdued and arrested.

There is no problem here. We should be upset by abuse of authority, police brutality, and violations of civil rights when they occur- but this was not a case of it.

Typical asshole toughguy Pittsburgh cop ??? i’ve never had any encounters like this with any police except those in places like whitehall, baldwin, brentwood, monroeville, KILBUCK,WILKINS TWP!!! …pittsburgh police are mostly born and raised and they seem pretty decent.

what did she do before the vid started? If you are looking at just the vid, fine. But if you take into account everything leading up to it, the story may change.

I don’t know what happened or care what happened, I was smart enough to stay away from the situation in the first place.

They were only complying after the police started marching and forcing them to comply.

The group she was in were impeding traffic and breaking windows and the police were forcing them away, I guess they should have stopped the entire line and said aww look this poor girl is in the way.

They weren’t dispersing? What fucking video are you watching? All of the people are moving at a reasonable speed as the police are advancing, until of course they start shoving people on bikes and knocking them over and into people in front of them starting a fucking pileup.

So, her reaction to get “pushed” by the police, which is a perfectly reasonable action that the police took in response to an illegally formed crowd which had been actively participating in vanadlism and property damage (all along Forbes- broken windows and damaged businesses), was to assault a police officer. In response, she was subdued and arrested.

The police should ALWAYS look for the least violent way to deal with a situation. In this case, it is OBVIOUS that they did not, prior to and after her actions with the bike. There was no fucking reason to straight go across her skull with a nightstick. Taking her to the ground and arresting her? No problem there, but that cop blasting her in the head was a fucking cheap shot and you know it. Whether or not you think she “deserved” it is one thing. The fact remains that it did nothing to subdue her, which is what they should have been trying to do. It was a vicious, unwarranted attack.

What happened before that doesn’t really matter. If she was doing anything violent she would have been arrested immediately, so you can pretty much rule that out.

They gave these people AT LEAST 15 minutes of “PLEASE DISPERSE” announcements before marching and pushing them away… What you see in the video is forced dispersal.

I’m sure that most of them are alright, but the ones that aren’t ruin it for the rest of them. I’ve had a few run ins… I’d say about 50/50 split between courteous and professional and “i got beat up in high school and now you have to respect my authoritah!”

That is NOT a good average.

so then we throw out what the cop did before she threw the bike and we are even. :smiley:

I don’t give a fuck if they were farting Sweet Home Alabama in perfect unison into their bullhorns for an hour. A small number of protesters were destroying property. Obviously, the people in this video were not raging anarchists.

keep smoking, Cheech.

With the president of the united states of america and 19 other heads of state less then a mile from this location, I am sure the police were worried about… HEY LOOK AT THIS BIG GROUP, ONLY FORCE THE ONES YOU SEE BREAKING WINDOWS TO LEAVE.

Really easy for the armchair police officer to sit back and dictate how things SHOULD have been done.

And it’s equally easy for the armchair police officer to sit back and say that everything was done exactly as it should have been. If those cops hadn’t beat the shit out of that girl, President Obama’s life would have been in serious jeopardy. RIIIIIIIIGHT.


i dont get why people always say Police are the kids that got picked on in high school…all the police i know were popluar kids that more than likely were star athletes.

:stupid: right in the cunt

The crowd was only dispersing in response to the physical efforts of the police to disperse them- and by physical efforts I mean pushing them. In response, the girl assaulted the cop. At that point, I want the cop to take every action to stop her from assaulting him again. Alot of the protestors had weapons- I’d rather see the cop give her a headache than risk getting shanked. He didn’t beat her down and club her unconcious body, he stopped the threat.

SK360’s posts pretty much sum up the rest of my responses, so I’m not going to repeat them.

You need to start doing more illegal shit to get a better idea of that LEO’s are really like. Not so much the state boys cause you have to have a 4 year degree to get in there…

That’s it. Meet me on 5th and Forbes. I’m going to have my 100lb girlfriend shank you to death with a bicycle because of your obnoxious comments. Feel free to bring several hundred of your friends to back you up and pick up some riot gear too, just to make things fair.

That’s it. Meet me on 5th and Forbes. I’m going to have my 100lb girlfriend shank you to death with a bicycle because of your obnoxious comments. Feel free to bring several hundred of your friends to back you up and pick up some riot gear too, just to make things fair.

OK, but only if you bring several hundred of your friends to randomly break windows, wheel dumpsters at cars, harrass pedestrians, and block traffic. We do want to make this a fair comparison, right?

that girl on the bicycle was breaking windows and harassing pedestrians?