police brutality?

well the lawn in front of the library is a fuckin joke anyway… they took about several hundred parking spaces out of gridlocked oakland for a USELESS grass field and fucking merry go round! its not like there isnt a WHOLE fuckin park across the bridge if you wanna lay in the God damn grass… so NOW what you have is assholes parked therough the park taking away from its appeal.

lol… Yep. only white people

People jump on the police brutality bandwagon way to fast when they see videos.

I agree, and I’m guilty of it here too. It’s an emotional/gut reaction I guess.

well the lawn in front of the library is a fuckin joke anyway… they took about several hundred parking spaces out of gridlocked oakland for a USELESS grass field and fucking merry go round! its not like there isnt a WHOLE fuckin park across the bridge if you wanna lay in the God damn grass… so NOW what you have is assholes parked therough the park taking away from its appeal.

I usually disagree with your posts, but in this case, you are 100% right. I was PISSED when I used to work down there and they got rid of that lot…made an already bad parking situation even worse.

Motif isn’t the question at hand, police shouldn’t tell you what to do if you aren’t doing anything wrong! End of story! We don’t live in Nazi Germany bro!

Stepping back from a situation is easy to do while behind a computer reading newspaper articles…

The Cps did the right thing End of story… They probably didn’t do enough to dispurse the crowd. They should of used rubber bullets from a gatling gun! Idiot people do idiot things and then they complain about it when shit goes bad.
Its like complaining after getting pulled over for doing 80 in a 65 MPH zone. you refused to heed the warnings of the speedlimit sign and did it anyways. The Cops had a tough job this past week and no one knows what it is like unless you were there as a cop in fucking riot gear.
They should of goten out the fire hoses and let them all have it. it would of accomplished 2 things. #1 it wold of dispersed the crowd, #2 it would of finally given the 100 LB dirtball hippsters a bath

Because some girl peacefully protesting on her bicycle is the same as someone breaking into your house… :ugh2:

And personally, I would not feel intimidated by her if I was in full riot gear with automatic weapons and was with a thousand of my buddies who were similarly equipped. There was no reason for the police to be so violent. It did noting but ratchet up the tension and make the situation worse.

Last time I checked being a smart ass is not grounds for a police beat down.

you wouldnt be crying that if you still lived on Mt. Washington. You’d be too afraid a stray rubber bullet might mess up your hair.

See my only problem with that is, if you let that slide, a protester, there to make the cops life more difficult is going to take advantage of it, I’m sorry but if you hit a cop, regardless of the situation, you’re getting cuffed and stuffed. You can sit here and compare the pros and cons of each situation, however it comes down to a judgement call, something that I think each and every one of us, would’ve made the same call he did.

END of story

Once again they were told to clear the area many times… She chose not to listen, then she got in the way of the police, got pushed, got upset and attacked an officer and got beat the fuck down like she deserved.

Also you have no idea what happened before this video was shot/edited.

My hair laughs at Stray rubber bullets. :finger2:

I understand her getting cuffed after retaliating, but there was no reason for cops to be jacking her in the back of the head with nightsticks. If she refuses to move, peacefully arrest her. The police need to show restraint. Getting heckled by some college kids is NOT good enough reason to start bashing people in the back of the head as they are trying to walk away from you.

Peaceful protests do no warrant unprovoked violence from the police. If they want to peacefully disobey police orders as an act of civil disobedience, they should be able to do so without getting bashed in the head with a nightstick.

Peaceful protests do no warrant unprovoked violence from the police. If they want to peacefully disobey police orders as an act of civil disobedience, they should be able to do so without getting bashed in the head with a nightstick.

Eh, kind of depends on the level of and your definition of “violence”.

For example, we saw protestors blocking traffic in the middle of streets and taking garbage cans from residential homes and throwing litter all over the place. Not violent, but definitely disobedient. When the police approached them, they refused to disperse.

How do the police peacefully arrest them? Ask them politely to get in the wagon? What if they refuse? Should they just stand there and look at each other?

I’d think a degree of violence is necessary at that point- even if it’s just manhandling them and cuffing them.

Agreed… it was a disruptive protest and they were blocking public roads… when has a large group at the university of Pittsburgh ever NOT caused damage? Steelers superbowl 2005, Steelers Superbowl 2008, Obama elected, Penguins Cup 2009… All 4 were massive gatherings in the same spot where windows were broken, cars flipped/broken, couches burned etc etc.

They were told to leave, they did not, they were tresspassing and being defiant.

manhandling and cuffing is different then bashing people in the back of the head with nightsticks as they are trying to walk away. We’re talking about two different things here. You know as well as I do that Pittsburgh cops have a nasty reputation for taking things too far. They did not do anything to disprove that during the g20. Unfortunately, many of them have the same attitude that people on here do. “Fuck those dirty hippies let’s teach them a lesson”. You can disagree with the “dirty hippies” all you like, but wishing violence on them at the hands of the police because they are exercising their 1st amendments rights is ANTI-AMERICAN. So please Pittspeed, stop hating America, Freedom, and Liberty.

Hey, these unarmed people are being defiant. Let’s beat them with nightsticks!

and it would have cleaned up the fuckin city. im with you 100% on this one.

exercising their 1st amendments rights

The 1st Amendment doesn’t provide the right to impede travel by blocking roads, destroy or damage other citizen’s private property, or threaten and harrass other citizens.

From the video, this chick didn’t look like she was doing any of that (shit, it was the COPS who were blocking more roads than anyone). She wasn’t even standing ground. She was moving out at the rate of speed the people in front of her would let her.
Clubbing her to the front because she’s coming at them… do it up. Clubbing her because she isn’t moving at all… do it up. She throws a bike first… club the piss outta her. But don’t club someone in their back while they’re moving away, male or female, for doing what she was told in a manner that was the fastest she could at the time.
Yes, she should’ve not gone there at all, or left earlier. But she didn’t. So arrest her, not beat her down.
But she was moving, in the direction she was supposed to be, at the fastest rate of speed she could.
Cops were coming in from all angles. She couldn’t just go around the people to get out faster.
And to the people who say “you don’t know what happened before the video”. Well, neither do you. If something did, they should’ve arrested her. They can NOT do anything like they did for verbal abuse. If there was something physical prior that didn’t make video, then arrest her then. It doesn’t matter what happened before the video.

She wasn’t moving away when they “clubbed” her, she was throwing her bike at one of the cop’s heads.

'Cept at :33-:35 seconds in when she’s trying to walk her bike but she’s straddling it and the cop twice pushes her in lower back with club grasped in both hands. So, umm, yeah, she was moving away.
Ever get pushed while straddling a bike at slow speeds or while walking over it? Me and my buddies used to do this all the time to fuck with each other when we were mountain biking. Balance during that while moving at slow speeds isn’t easy cause you got a bike between your legs, and if it wasn’t being done in fun, it’d really piss a person off. I can’t imagine getting a grasped club to the lower back, enough to show definite change in her velocity both times, would make her a happy camper, when all she’s trying to do is move out. Her reaction is wrong and deserved what she got. But what was done to her first was not right. They should be treated as two seperate incidences. She gets what she gets for asaulting an officer. But the original officer should have the smack brought down on him, too.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Shoulda Tazed her.