police brutality?


punished for what you nazi’s? if I want to protest, that’s freedom of speech, you can’t make the choice for me of where and when, read the article, maybe it’s too long to read for you?

Kent State can happen again.

freedom of speech is one thing, protesting to cause a disruption because every little suburbian tough guy like yourself wants to “fuck the police” is very different.

Theres no reason they should have been there, as I said before this time next year, with no g20 around, check and see how many kids are at those two locations, I can promise you none, they were there to display their defiance of the police departments trying to do their jobs

I think the girl got off to light

I think the girl got off to dark

wrong…why can’t they be there? protesting or not, the g20 ain’t in oakland broseph! so, they can stand wherever the fuck ever they want, that is freedom…btw I live in the city and this is obviously too much reading for an FCHS graduate? good job, way to excel in life

haha, no fchs education for me, wouldn’t be caught dead there. I live there NOW, not important though.

They went there for a reason, it wasn’t to sit around playing duck duck goose, it was to piss of the police and make their already difficult jobs even tougher while trying to play the innocent card. There is no reason for them to be there, they knew why they were there and got treated accordingly. I read the entire article, its very easy to write from one persons point of view, obviously the writer is a cock guzzling hippy like yourself and zack01gc, because you agree with him.

Excelling in life is partly due to being able to step back from a situation and assessing it from both sides, something you obviously can’t do

Pittspeed duck duck goose party.

Excelling in life requires the ability to read. That being said, read my last post in this thread, jerkoff.

They can do their jobs without being that rough/mindless. None of those 100 lb hipsters are going to cause harm to a cop.

100 pound idiot still can fire a gun. Slice open a throat Etc…

Furthermore, these are taken directly from your precious article:

Much of the plaza was flanked by police officers.

“There was definitely an energy that was very ominous at that point,” she said. Even as police ordered the crowd to disperse, Ms. Gurman said some people in the plaza stayed and chanted, “You’re sexy, you’re cute, take off your riot suit.”

I’m sure they “weren’t” there for the g20 or to atagonize police in anyway, right? :jerkit:

Friday night, students received phone and text messages from the University of Pittsburgh telling them to stay away from the plaza, warning of a repeat of Thursday’s confrontation.

Junior Sean Malloy said he had received a call telling him, “conditions may be deteriorating in Oakland. Students are advised to remain near their residences.” Still, Mr. Malloy and many others came outside to see what was happening, they said

once again, they WERE TOLD to stay away and against (some might say better) judgement they went anyways, they weren’t supposed to be there, yet they went anyways.

Before you make a personal attack against me and my education, read your own article you posted

nightstick of justice…


see shaggys post above, once again, put yourself in the position of the police officer, you have no idea what they have/can do to you so you need to treat everyone as a hostile threat IF they do not obey your command to disperse

IF some 100lb hipster breaks into your house are you going to ignore him because he is such? Fuck no, you’re going to make sure he never breaks into your house again, am I right?

have the hippy repair the damage, Steal his weed, bury in the flower garden

I see where you’re going with this, but they are two very different circumstances.

If he didn’t leave when I asked/told him to, then I would probably take action. They are still very different circumstances, but I see what you’re getting at.

The videos are damning for sure. Once you hear the actual background behind them though, the cops actions make sense.

What the videos portrayed as “innocent college students” were actually groups of students who stood with the hardcore protestor types and were purposely antagonizing the police.

the girl got what she deserved the police looked like they were doing their job she wouldnt have moved unlessby force. try that shit it baltimore she wouldve got shot or then again in balt the cop wouldve gotten a beat down lol

if you knew what the cops took off of the protesters prior to this event you would keep your mouth shut. it doesnt matter how big you are when you have what they had.

People jump on the police brutality bandwagon way to fast when they see videos.

White People are embarrassing