police brutality?

I also don’t feel bad for her…

She will be on good morning america next week :rolleyes:


G20 or not, if someone throws a bicycle at me they are going to be eating pavement.

Why did she have a bike in the kitchen?

we need more

turn the Hoses on the bastards… nothin says go home like a fire hose

She received an elbow Sandwich :kekegay:

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/baton sammich.bmp](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/baton sammich.bmp)

They are running a muck in our city!

They need the beat down! I am about to go protest the protesters!

+1 for the cops…female or male should be treated exactly the same when acting like that…

cheeks :>>> nip shit in the bud

I say…

…get in the swat truck and just plow the mob clean over. there, message sent.

And G20 or not, if I’m moving as fast as I can with the flow of others, and I get pushed forcibly like that from behind, I’m defending myself too.
I see both sides, but come on. She wasn’t being defiant in the vid. She was moving as fast as she could. Maybe she could’ve left earlier. Maybe she shouldn’t have been there at all. But she was doing what was asked at that time, as fast as she could do it given the people in front of her.
Five bucks says if cop knew a camera was on him, he’d have never done that.

and you too would be getting your face shoved into the pavement deservedly so.

make an example out of one bitch and look at the guy at :58 seconds after he gets shoved… he gets off and walks his bike w/o even looking back :wink:

I would’ve just shot her.

The vast majority of the police officers I know personally are fucking idiots that have their job because they weren’t smart enough to be able to get a job at McDonalds. This appears to be another shining example.

They were told to disperse multiple times and told what the consequences would be before they started to march the crowd back… That would have been your first indication that maybe you should get the fuck out of dodge.

Um last time I checked throwing a bicycle at someone is being defiant

Wrong place… Wrong time… No ones wasted time down there acting like total morons made any difference… They should have stayed home!!!

Throw anything at a cop…what do you expect?

Being pushed or not, girl or guy…throw shit at a cop your gonna get taken down…

+1 … If cops were allowed to use force dumbasses wouldnt try shit in the first place because they would know a smack down was coming.