police brutality?

Sorry when you see police coming in riot gear you leave, you leave before that happens they give you plenty of warning. If you are still there and they have to remove you from the place you were told to leave then you are putting yourself into that type of hostile/dangerous environment.

Seriously what are these people doing around with the cameras? Back off the guys trying to do their job? They are lucky they didn’t get hit with rubber bullets.

Listen to the cops, they are telling people to get back and the guy is fucking arguing?

And these guys they are throwing dumpsters at cops that are doing nothing but the job they are asked to do? What did the cops do to them? They should have let the dogs out on these idiots…

Yah all cops are dumb so people should not listen to them right? This appears to be a shining example of people not using their brain and putting themselves in a position to get your face smashed in.

Anyone down there with any common sense that see you have the police out and in riot gear should know hey it’s time to get the fuck out of here. Then the WORST fucking possible thing you can do in that situation if you find yourself in it is THROW your bike at them. GREAT IDEA…

She got what she put herself into, a bad position and hopefully will gtfo next time.

he should have bent her over and gave her the nightstick :naughty:


that bitch wasnt moving as fast as she could…she had enough time to turn around and throw a bike at the cops…she should have used that energy to get the fuck outta dodge! i’m sick of all you bleeding heart bitches.

As a REACTION. She’s not going around throwing shit at someone for no reason.

I wouldn’t throw my bike. It’s too expensive. But, if I’m doing what I can (which she apparently was) to move as fast as I can (she was right behind the guy in front of her), I’m going to defend myself if that happens blindly like that. I wouldn’t know it’s a cop doing it. All I’d know is I’d be pissed, and I’d throw something like a fist instead. 'Cept I’d stop as soon as I turned and saw it was a cop, and I’d hope someone got what they did on video. Then it would be fun times in court.
However, if I did turn as a reaction and throw anything, and my face was then in the pavement because of it, then so be it. I understand the consequences, and don’t fault the police that handled her after she threw the bike.
I fault the cop who pushed the club in to her from behind while she wasn’t doing anything but trying to move at the speed those around her would let her.
If the cops want to push someone, go to the people in front who were slowing everything up.
If there is no physical provocation, and the girl IS moving out as fast as she can (which isn’t for the cop to judge when people are directly in front of her), then the cop has no reason to use physical force on an unarmed (other than the bike) hippie chick. I don’t care if she’s screaming fuck you to their face. There have been enough cases won by people who’ve flipped off or swore at officers. They can’t retaliate for verbal abuse.
She was wrong in her reaction once she saw it was a cop. But it never would’ve happened if the first cop didn’t do anything in the first place.
All I know is if I’m moving out like asked, and I got blindsided from behind, I’m not concerning myself if it’s a cop or not, I’m reacting to defend myself. But I wouldn’t be an idiot protester in the first place, and I’d sure as hell think once I turned around and saw it was a cop.
The fact that it’s on video gives her a real strong case, though.

What does having enough time to turn and throw have anything to do with how fast she was moving? She had enough time because no one in front of her was moving fast enough for her to move any faster.

I’m not a bleeding heart bitch. The rest of those shits deserve a beat down if they provoke it by not dispersing at all or come at the cops physically. If the crowd doesn’t disperse, fuckin arrest them. But don’t fuckin push a club in to a chick’s back who appears to be doing exactly what she was supposed to at that time. Key words are “at that time”. Sure she shouldn’t have been there in the first place and should have left earlier. But at the time the video was shot, she wasn’t doing anything but moving out like she was supposed to at that time. And if the cop has a problem with that, then arrest her then, not shove her.

I know how they would have kept this from happening… Dont be a douche and try to get your 15 min of fame by protesting and sit your dumb ass at home…

I’m with chad

never know, she could have been runnin her mouth to the cops prior to that moment, or something else to provoke the incident.

either way, protesters are fawking gay

Then arrest her for the provocation. Cops are not asupposed to react from verbal comments alone though. As much as that sucks for the cops, it is what it is.

/thread with that one.

As much as I’d laugh at the idiots getting pummeled by cops if they were throwing things, breaking shit, or standing ground when cops are trying to move them… in this case, going only by what the video shows, the chick didn’t deserve to be shoved in the first place.

msot of the videos that deal with cops are edited to show a certain view, mostly against the cops. I would be willing to bet she did something prior to cause the cop to act like that, as with just about all of the videos on the web/news showing how bad cops are.

I have had nothing but good experiences with cops. I act polite and respectful and everything is all good. It seems people have a chip on their shoulder, piss the cop off, and then get all mad when something happens.

and even looking at this video, I would say she is in the wrong.

you might as well call her “it” because her being a female is totally irrelevant.

it got beat because it didnt have the common sense to get its ass out the way. if i were in that situation and its get outta the way or get a club to the back…i’m shoving the nerd infront of me outta the way…

Was watching Bill Burr(why do i do this) on comedy central the other day and he had the perfect excuse in his comedy show for her actions towards the cops!! I only quote to what he was saying that our generation of women are NOT scurred to cross the line because they know if a guy hits them,the guy goes to jail and or will get half of his net worth!!

You dont see hardly any guys crossing any lines say toward a sexy girlfriend of a 6’5 pagan in front of him…WHY…YOU ASSUME THE CROSSING THE LINE IS GOING TO LEAD TO MAJOR PAIN!!

I think the 21st century needs to get back to cavemanism!! Glad them cops taught that stupid cunt a life lesson…SHE AINT CROSSING THE LINE AGAIN…CAUSE IT HURTS!!

BJ has spoken

That’s funny

yup but Quik hasnt!:angel:


what the fuck is your problem? Youre deffently one to talk, especially since your in another state. there has been countless times you were warned about even referencing me on this site. Next time your in PGH hit me up and well discuss your issues with me. Hows that sound till then get off my nutts

Quik has spoken
