I think your whole argument is horrendous. Think about what you are saying for a minute. You are arguing corruption is ruining the government, and your solution is the hope of resolving the corruption to all honest outstanding people, which you say , would be more of if we all followed the bible. Last time I checked the FACTS, 97% of incarcerated people believe in God. But I won’t get into that.
No matter where you go, there is corruption. People do not care about the person sitting next them anymore than I care about the homeless guy asking for my change. They are looking out for their own agenda. That is why politics, is well, political.
If you want to make a change, find people who are for your agenda. Write them, visit their camps, go to town hall meetings, do anything you can to voice your support. Donate to funds that contribute to the lobbying that goes towards what you believe in. It is ignorant to think you can change the way it works. Instead, use the system at your advantage. Do everything you can. THEN and only THEN, may you come here to complain about the two party system and how you think it would benefit the country to have a communistic system of government…