political rant...


I think your whole argument is horrendous. Think about what you are saying for a minute. You are arguing corruption is ruining the government, and your solution is the hope of resolving the corruption to all honest outstanding people, which you say , would be more of if we all followed the bible. Last time I checked the FACTS, 97% of incarcerated people believe in God. But I won’t get into that.

No matter where you go, there is corruption. People do not care about the person sitting next them anymore than I care about the homeless guy asking for my change. They are looking out for their own agenda. That is why politics, is well, political.

If you want to make a change, find people who are for your agenda. Write them, visit their camps, go to town hall meetings, do anything you can to voice your support. Donate to funds that contribute to the lobbying that goes towards what you believe in. It is ignorant to think you can change the way it works. Instead, use the system at your advantage. Do everything you can. THEN and only THEN, may you come here to complain about the two party system and how you think it would benefit the country to have a communistic system of government…


oh and my roomate just sent this to me haha… i got some lawls out of it.

takes a while to buffer but its worth it


Fixed that for ya.

Ilya, you just need to do more reading and listening and less talking. You dont have a full picture of what you’re saying. And I’m not saying that because we’d disagree on some things once you learned about them.

LOL. I swear that’s a coincidence. :slight_smile:

Alright I said I was done but this thing my brother sent me today is worth posting…

Well the worst of all is the Climate Treaty which has a tiiiiinnnyy smallll print clause of FREAKIN CEDING SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR NATION
The old science advisor to the British Prime Minister read the treaty and gave a lecture on it in Minnesota a few weeks back.


Still waiting and abstaining from any of the silliness discussion.

dannyboy, I didn’t find anything. I was misinformed

I like Obama. He’s fun to argue about with his supporters.

Just something I found that gives a complete different look to Obama. Take everything with a rain of salt…
Truth is Politics No Longer is about the People


I am going to watch this video based on the credibility of all your other posts.

:rofl i was thinking the same thing

Oh well your loss. Unfortunately my mind moves faster than my fingers and with lack of proof reading sometimes garbles what I am trying to say. Guess that makes me the bad guy.

Gat you were such a nice guy when I “WAS” going to give you parts to fix your truck. Glad to see you just follow the crowd.

im not sure what truck your talking about as ive had more than 1 since youve been on here, and i never asked for parts for either. im sorry its just that 99% of your posts are useless and annoying to read.


^Pot calling kettle black. 23,000 posts in 2 years…

I cant see this video, but if this is in any way in support of the moist radical socialist in American Presidential History, be aware that his systems and administration will cause small businesses. like mine, to lay people off…

…and as a result these workers will sit on their ass and collect unemployment and not bother looking for another job until their unemployment funds run out.

Pushing this country deeper and deeper into recession.