political rant...

All I can say is that I didnt even bother voting, the whole party system is so fucked that no 1 man can change things. Instead of being able to vote for one man and his ideas your voting his whole party who will whisper BS in his ear for their own personal gain.

With that said I was hoping McCain was going to win, I felt he would probably do a better job and at least keep us from going further down the hole were in. But knowing what state were in I knew there was just no chance he was going to win NY so it was just another reason to not even bother voting.

nah nothing like that I will burn you a copy its a 2 hour friggen document. Now keep in mind I think the video is a bit radical myself BUT I like seeing both sides only because somewhere in the middle is the truth

This is a good debate. Keep it up.

Another useless shift518 political debate…

This is a big problem with Americans these days. Noone wants to take responsibility for their own action. Theyll vote for a complete dumbhit(GWB) if he says hell fix everything. IMO Obama knows what he’s doing. We need alliances economically and those are two of the most prosperous countries in the world currently. The bow to noone mindset no longer works.

Obama isnt fully black
Bush sucks dick
Long live JFK (and ralph nader :rofl)
Politics suck


No,No he dosnt. The ONLY reason he got such a huge voter turn out is bc hes black.
Most of the African americans dont know ANYTHING and dont care, but as long as theres a black man in power there happy. end of story. Yes he has some good ideas but that goes back to the saying 2 wrongs dont make 1 right

Are you for real?!

Most ignorant statement EVER. Sorry Jeff.

Obama is fucking us big time. Buy guns and ammo before it’s to late.

Im not readin this whole thread, I read a few of the first posts…

In terms of bowing…

Bowing is a show of respect not submission, your acknowledging the other persons postion of power, weather it be above yours or not, also used when showing gratitude towards another person.

It doesnt matter who you voted for, it doesnt mean shit. Now its time to sit back and ride the shit rollercoaster and hope we come out clean at the end. The only way the everyday american is going to change something is another revoloution, which I wouldent say is completely out of the realm of possibility.