poll on iran

Yes, been talked about before this war even started. And like N. Korea it just seems to be a lot more scary.

I dont think the US is gonna invade Iran next. I talked with a Sergent that’s not active in Iraq right now(but was), and he said that the troups are spread to thin all over the place. Plus the troups are worn out and don’t really feel like going through the same shit in Iran if it happens.

^That can and will change. Besides, we still have a large number of soldiers that have not yet hit the sandboxes, plenty of new recruits, and Marines who are longing for battle. Remember, maybe another country will supply infantry this time around ( I dont want to miss out though) and the United States can follo through with Air/Sea support.

Iran is not a direct threat to the united states but its surrounding countries. If Iran does attack, we will nuke the fuck out of them and they know this.

Marcus, the problem is that threat is not enough to stop radicals. they dont care if they die, they just want to do some of their own killing first.

Of course they are scared shittless, there nukes can reach europe not the US lol

But Iran will fight back if we try to stop them, unless we have the rest of europe on our side. But isn’t russia working on something with iran? Didn’t they use to buy tanks off the russians lol

a cargo ship just left iran with a 50 mega ton nuke a month ago it’s pulling into NYC harbour right now… BOOOM they can’t reach the US? think again.
EVERYONE bought tanks and wepons of russia … we’re stlll fighting cold war ammo and AK47’s … the benifit is in a real style war with iran we’d own them in the long run. more loss of life though than the US would like. I’m scared shitless of chemical and biological warfare which is why i don’t wanna go to war with iran. give me a good old shoot out or bombs any day over that shit.

i’m a sergent who just got back and it dosen’t matter what the troops think. They listen to orders and troops will ALWAYS say they’re worn out and tired. but they’ve all got just a little more in them.