poll on iran

with all the recent talk about Iran, do you think this is a parallel to pre-invasion Iraq?


here are recent links of interest with new stories, rhetoric and threats
major headline today:

Iran Threatens U.S. With ‘Harm and Pain’

Iran Threatens U.S. With ‘Harm and Pain’ for Its Role in Bringing It Before Security Council





europe is more scared than we are … if it does come to it we’ll have a LOT more support than iraq

and iran is only next if it’s absolutly nessicary


Iran is fucking DONE. For sure they are next…at least we are gonna have some support for this one…

lol so when they go in, we can compare them with hitler and tell them that they hate black people :smiley: lol j/k

it’s nice to see that europe actually looks united on taking a stand against Iran

bush should turn that whole area into a “plate of glass”

and if they’re smart about it all this time they’ll keep the media out more so the job can get done

that’s b/c Iran is ACTUALLY dangerous…

Yeah… the media doesnt help thing any. Iraq is a perfect example

yeah, lets feed those asshats information

Iran was the next natural step in the war. I would guess that people predicted that Iran was next when we were talking about going into Iraq.

:tup: I agree with Sprfreek that the rest of the world will be backing this one if it comes to that. It should not be a US led campaign either. Let someone else do it as we are exhausted at the moment. Besides, they won’t have anyone to point fingers at if it’s that way.

agreed. I think that the media will have much less access to this once it happens. It seems with all of the support that is being voiced across the world front that the UN will be the face of any action, and the UN as a group doesn’t love media tag alongs

Which is why I see us not going to war with them, but rather imposing economic sanctions and other non-violent ways of strong-arming them into submission. Granted they have that whole oil thing that they could withhold… Hmm… Maybe we should just turn the middle east into a plate of glass, except it would be a pain trying to set up oil wells on glass… I dunno, it does seem like the whole middle east is riddled with viruses and registry errors and needs a good old fashioned nuclear reformat…

We should sabotage their nuclear program so that they “accidentally” nuke themselves. Whoops!

:word: The reality is we have alot of resources in Iraq. If anything happened militarily with Iran we better have ALOT of international support this time around or else it could fuck everything up in Iraq big time.

people will shit bricks when the Iraqi leadership takes sides w/ Iran

Haha Iran will be a fun one, but I bet it will be a huge mess. A lot more then the iraq war is.

Mainly the Sunnis Joe, but thats to be expected. Well, atleast we alllmost had the right country to initially invade, we only misspelled it by one letter. :bloated:

If we dont do it, Isreal will…They have the nuclear capability to do so…