who's ready for our next war?


yup, lets keep pushing things so we can be fighting three wars at once.

LOL, yeah, lets spend more $$$ on war as our Country keeps going down the shitter…

Thank god Iran is finally showing the worl what it really feels, who it really is. Do you want a nation that has these types of policies and makes these threats to have any type of nuclear weapons? Fcuk no is my answer. Rangers Lead the Way :wink:

I am disappointed in Bush, I voted for him because I thought for sure he would have melted the entire middle east by now.
Maybe this news will push him closer to the button.:smiley:

Everyone would forget about it in a short time.
Do you think any other country thinks about 911 any longer?
Fuck it, the sooner we nuke em the sooner people will get over it.
Besides, people would like it privately, they just wouldn’t admit it in public.
Push the button George.

"Separately, France, Germany and Britain, which spearheaded the Feb. 4 IAEA resolution clearing the path for Security Council action, warned that what is known about Iran’s enrichment program could represent only “the tip of the iceberg.”

It also spoke of “indicators of a possible military dimension to Iran’s (nuclear) program” as “a legitimate source of intense concern.”

even France sees them as a threat, and the french suck.

Iran needs to DIANH

(die in a nuclear holocaust)

pfff there is atual cause?

we ain’t going to no war!

The only saving grace in this situation is that the rest of the world is on our side of the fence instead of chilling on the top. If they do attack Iran, it hopefully will involve a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE coalition rather than a primarily US led war… I think the question on everyone’s mind is whether or not our gas prices are going to go down, hahahhaha… j/k.

The republic also could cause difficulties in southern Iraq. On Tuesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld accused Tehran of dispatching elements of its Revolutionary Guard to stir trouble inside Iraq.

hahaha :tup:

Yeah, let’s not get Iran mad. I mean, why should the prospect of Iran with nukes bother anyone much? They are just bunch of crazy assholes who have publicly advocated what comes pretty close to genocide against Israel and have already committed and supported terrorist acts against the US. What, me worry?

Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.

I hope you dont mind if I use that quote.

The US should rally tons of support from around the World and then just step back and say, “We are going to sit this one out, why don’t you other countries fight this one?”
I garranfuckingtee the other countries will back down like a bunch of pussies.

Agreed. Iran is a threat, maybe not to you and me yet, but they are a threat to the well being of the world. They are a rogue state on the verge on nuclear power, and I for one cant sit back and let this happen.

Ugh duhhh they are a threat crap Ive been saying this since way before we went into Iraq, who was, is and never would have been a threat to the US.

hahaha well said

it’s never a good thing to have a dictator who took part in terrorist activites against americans, who has publicaly stated the holocaust has never happend and that he wants to erase Israel from the map to be allowed to aquire nuclear weapons. that wouldnt be a good for anyone.

All I know is if it ever came to a military confrontation we better have ALOT of international support this time around or our guys in Iraq are in deep shit.

That would be the smartest way to take care of them. But then it wouldn’t be any fun for the troops on the ground. You have to let them play a little to.

I’ll send you lots of playboys bro, count me out for this one. :smiley: