Poll: what is more distracting while driving?

It has nothing to do with dexterity, but mental attentiveness.

If you have to think while eating then you deserve to drive head on into a tree. Therefore driving while talking on the phone reguardless of hands free or watever is more dangerous.

You know what’s distracting?

Those SUV’s and Minivans with the DVD players in back…especially down here now that you can rent vans with them. It’s insane too because you want to get right up on the car’s butt to see what movie they’re watching…that to me is the most distracting thing! lol

Typing on a blackberry is definitely distracting.

i like my bloootoof too, but when I’m eating a bowl of cereal, it doesn’t understand when i voice dial with food in my mouth, so then i have to dial manually… and thats hard to do when i’m turning dow nthe stereo with my remote, and putting the window up so i can hear, and upshifting to get out of the Rs

doesnt make it any better. you are concentrating on talking on the phone, not the road. that’s the issue, not the fact that you only have one hand on the wheel.

True, but honestly I wish people down here would use a hands-free more often. A lot of people here chatting on their cell phones don’t signal (because they have one hand on the wheel, not two) and they also drift from lane to lane without looking. It’s bad enough that we have tourists who don’t know their way around, seniors and foreigners who are still allowed to rent cars. It’s twice as bad when they’re on a cell phone…

i’d say eating…i’ve had a plate of spaghetti while driving and it wasnt a good idea, but i made it to where i was going.

Talking is more distracting,it requires more thought.Especially more distracting if you’re texting.

Food & Drink is easy,only problem that i’ve ever had is if I take a sharp turn and my drink goes flying and it spills all over the place.

Do you really have to be eating at the same time, can people not wait to get home or somewhere stationary. How about spending 5 minutes and eating at the place you got food from.

Well I drive a 5spd and it is retarded to eat and shift and steer.

P.S. I hate 16 year old girls in their cavaliers always on their cell phones and pulling out in front of cars without checking both ways.

if any1 dares to eat in my car, i will murder them, no eating or drinking in my cars

I personally drive fine while eating, but drive like a broad when I’m on the phone. I usually won’t answer. So I vote phone is more distracting.

personally i find my biggest distraction is wranglers and blazers! I can’t figure out which i prefer! HELP!

Going Epic on this one.



Slow day at work today Newman???

:tup: to the bump :rofl: