Pond Skimming Pics and Vid...

So I did the pond skimming at Holiday Valley last year and by the pictures below you can tell that I made it out safe with a tuck and roll at the end. Well this year they started us about 20 feet lower and the video shows what happend.

and the vid- sorry its sideways still trying to edit it.

lol you just stoped. i wish the video showed you trying to waddle out of the water with your skis on

Ya it was pretty ghey, everyone up there was like we want to move up higher and the guy was like you go from here or you dont go at all. I pretty much popped my skis off and just walked out but the water was freezing.

seemed pretty stupid that they wouldnt let you guys move up even though almost everyone was shorting it. that sperm man costume was ridiculous.

ya that was pretty dumb, the guy was like we dont want you to make it, so whatever, took my ski boots a trip through the dryer and sitting on a boot dryer all night to get dry. Well dry enough for me to wear for patrolling the next day.

Ya sperm man was pretty funny, the guy up top was like what kind of costume is that, and the kid was like, I’m sperm man. He was like, uh, I cant say that.
Pretty funny the girl with the bikini lost her bottoms and the other two girls wiped out pretty good.