Pontiac Cobalt!

A good looking Cobalt!

I do not care for the rear of the Cobalt coupe, so this makes me just so happy.

High Performance


At least it isn’t floating over cities like Honda is doing with the Civic Si. And I thought those Mitsubishi commercials with the people bopping in the car to the techno music was bad, then here comes a floating Civic to take the cake.

Meh not bad I guess

better then the chevy one… but i still wouldnt own one

they have been available in canada in a four door. i like them

better than a cobalt for sure


It doesn’t have the ugly rear lights.

It has the same tails as the Cobalt LT


Well that’s the point. The Cobalt coupe’s rear is hideous.

eh… they’re all hideous

Innovative GM…just rebadging the same crap instead of coming up with new cars to attract peoples attention. But they waste millions on concepts that will never be in production.

But I guess thats why that call it GENERAL Motors…

“priced similarly to chevy’s cobalt SS supercharged”

  • i hope that means this thing will be supercharged too, or no one would buy it over the same thing with a different badge and a supercharger. GM is retarded because by doing things like this they actually form competition against THEMSELF :bloated:

i happen to love the “rear end” of my car and it’s round tails. It kind of old camaro/corvette “inspired” although the massive wing COULD go but i still love it.


wait a second… now think about it… if you are competing against yourself then all you are really doing is giving the same product more exposure even if it is under 2 different names… the money still ends up in your pocket.

there are a million examples of one company making a product and selling it under a different name for a different price to attract a different section of the market.