Pool Drain Pulls Small Intestine Out Of Young Girl


fucking sick, this reminds me of the pearl diving story in the short stories put together by the dude that wrote fight club :lol:


first thing that came to my head as well.

if anyone who doesn’t know the story, here… have a read. Guts by Chuck Palahniuk


Ha Ha, thats rediculas, bad, but rediculas




everything is so fucking gray for some of you tasteless, crude, insensitive motherfuckers… when it suits you. Absolutely pathetic. Some of you fucks did not get beat enough as children because you learned no compassion or respect for others. If that was my little 6 year old girl that just lost ALL chances for a normal life and will be a cripple forever, and I catch you making jokes about it… omfg … you have NO idea…

beyond tasteless


my thing is, beyond all this

why on earth are you so angry all the time? more so than Anyone i’ve ever seen on a forum? all internet BS aside, you are so predictably easy to work up. i can’t be the only one that does it on purpose to fully expect a rise out of you, making vague threats and swearing profusely. jack, it’s just the internet. i hate people too, i can’t stand most of them for the life of me. but god damn, i just can’t get over it.

Wow thats insane… poor kid. I’m surprised she didnt scream or anything though as it was happening… I wonder how long she was sitting on it before she finaly stood up.


Sucks for the girl :frowning:



This happened to some girl in my high school…

Except it wasnt from a drain. It was from anal sex.



Some of you fucks did not get beat enough as children because you learned no compassion or respect for others.


It’s like someone beat you with a morning star every time you woke up. That said it is sad, that anyone can make fun of this.

Also regarding the pearl story, I thought the internet had hardened me to anything that I could possibly read. Man was I wrong, oh dear.

wow… this is horrible… i saw the thread and had to look a couple times to really see if that was a smiley. i kept telling myself that theres no way, it had to be a frown and my eyesite is that fucked up…

i feel so bad for the kid… no one deserves that

That’s why they make pool drain covers. To put over pool drains, so kids don’t get their insides sucked out.

My next question is: Which end of the pool is this drain? Typically drains are on the deep end. :confused: Most typical six year olds, regardless of how much they “love to swim” usually aren’t over in the deep end, especially without supervision.

Said kiddy pool.

it was a wading pool so like 3 feet deep at the max


Ha Ha, thats rediculas, bad, but rediculas


Please learn to spell.


it was a wading pool so like 3 feet deep at the max


how much suction can a wading pool really have ??? obv enough, but thats crazy


how much suction can a wading pool really have ??? obv enough, but thats crazy


Think big community wading pool. That filter has to clean probably 100000 gallons.

Any pool filter is suprisingly strong though. I got a pretty bad cut sticking the vacuum hose into the skimmer on my 12x24 inground last summer. I wasn’t paying attention and when it locked the vacuum hose into the skimmer my finger was in the way. It sucked my finger in instead of the hose, and I was really surprised how hard I had to pull to get free. And that’s just a little home filter, designed for <10000 gallons.

its like Anal Beads shove them in and pull them out like you are starting a lawn mower


HAHAHAH at the anal beads


Said kiddy pool.


community pool ain’t no kiddie pool. Over 50K gallons man.


Any pool filter is suprisingly strong though. I got a pretty bad cut sticking the vacuum hose into the skimmer on my 12x24 inground last summer. I wasn’t paying attention and when it locked the vacuum hose into the skimmer my finger was in the way. It sucked my finger in instead of the hose, and I was really surprised how hard I had to pull to get free. And that’s just a little home filter, designed for <10000 gallons.


Very true, I had a similar close call with my inground when I first learned how to vacuum the pool.


everything is so fucking gray for some of you tasteless, crude, insensitive motherfuckers… when it suits you. Absolutely pathetic. Some of you fucks did not get beat enough as children because you learned no compassion or respect for others. If that was my little 6 year old girl that just lost ALL chances for a normal life and will be a cripple forever, and I catch you making jokes about it… omfg … you have NO idea…

beyond tasteless


agreed 100%