Decided that motorcycles aren’t that much fun in a flat and boring state. (I’ll always have a bike, but a fun sport bike seems pointless down here. Not to mention, wheelie tickets start at $1100+)
So, I decided it was time to move my fun to the water.
Step one. Sell BMW, Buy Truck.
Step two. Make post about tinting tail lights too dark.
Step three. Find boat.
Step four. back it into your garage door. (then bang out door and stare in disgust all night at the dent and hole)
Step five. Wake up in the morning and get out on the water.
As of right now, I’m in love. Best decision in a while. My wallets hurting from taking it out, estimated taxes for the business, etc… I’ll register it, insure it, and buy seatow which will probably hurt even more.
She’s a 2002 Solara, 22 ft with 320 hp. Tops out around 56 mph, has an FI Volvo penta in her with 240 hours, and rides amazingly in the water.
Only notable things wrong that I can see is, none of the switches are labeled so I really need to dig into that. The night lights (red/green/white) don’t seem to work and the bulbs look to be fine, the tach doesnt work either, a couple tears in the vinyl, and all new speakers were ordered on day one.
Other than that, my first sea trial went very well IMO. It’s been a long time since I’ve backed a boat in and most of the time they were 15 ft whalers. I am terrified of wrecking this thing, the hull looks so pretty.
Breetime, get down here and weld me up a captains choice exhaust please.