Pop Up Window For New PM ?

Hey all on son, i thought it would be a good idea like other forums, to have a little message window that pops up when you recieve a new pm. I dislike checking the corner to see if someone has replied back and sometimes it delays and doesnt show up depending on what forum i am viewing. If we have lots of members agree to this can we shoot it thru mods ? ALSO i could not post in front desk regarding this, so sorry.

There’s an option in the user CP to turn that on.

really lol ^ i will look for that, Thanks simplemind7, sorry for the post mods, you can remove it.

simplemind’s correct, there’s an option in your CP to handle this.

I’ve personally hated the pop-up windows and it’s usually turned off by default. I wouldn’t be surprised if new version of vBulletin, phpBB, etc remove it from the feature list. (I expect there are people who are far more knowledgeable in this then me)

I like it. The only thing I find annoying is that every time you go back to the screen where it popped up, you get the message again… even though it’s been checked.

Off topic… Hi Rich! Hows the family doing?

You’re old school Theo! Pop-up windows are so 1996…

Family’s doing great, my son’s starting to crawl! Watch out!

Got wedding plans on your mind?

'96? I think you just like the suspense of clicking the refresh button rather than being notified… :wink:

Good to hear he’s crawling. I bet your having fun with him…

Wedding’s in August :slight_smile: