Population of Pissburgh has shrunk

I’d stay here based solely on what teachers get paid, because they don’t get paid anywhere near as well as PA teachers do anywhere else. I’m going to school to be a teacher, in case you couldn’t tell.

you dont need to stay we will be fine without you. you should go to san fran, ca.

Part of the reason we are overtaxed is the spending in this state. Teachers that are “overpaid” is part of the spending, and like JackedUp said, that combination makes people leave.

teachers are way overpaid in Pittsburgh. And where I used to goto school they are extremely greedy too

And the NEA is a straight-up “D” voting booth puller because of it. You scratch our backs, we’ll vote your well-scratched back in. It’s corruption and collusion in the most gross sense.

Yep another one fresh out of school, dont know his ass from a hole in the ground, gonna teach my kind nothing, but how to bring home 5 hours of homework every night. I might as well home school him.

Thanks for taking my HARD EARNED money, you worthless teacher…

what is your kind?^^^^^^^^^^^^^


And your parent’s hard earned money taught you how to read and write. It’s a vicious cycle.

But relax, I won’t be assigning homework. I will be teaching your kid either Woodshop or Auto Tech. Something your kid can take with them and use outside the classroom, at their own desire. Academic classes are a whole different animal. Kids will never use 90% of what they are taught in the real world. But tech classes can be used for the rest of their lives.

This area has too much to offer for it to ever fold. As much as people don’t admit it because they are too lazy to do anything exciting anyways, there is a lot of unique and fun things to do all over this area. Pittsburgh will be fine.

Personally I rather like it here. I moved to the Pittsburgh area from out of state and enjoy what the city has to offer. Sure the taxes seem high but overall they’re about average for the nation.

Thats good to know. And I agree with everything you said. I’m the product of tech classes and vo-tech and make a decent middle class living today form the instruction I received.

Trust me, I would have no intention of ever teaching if it was math, history, etc.

you can also wipe your ass with most BA’s, as they usually do not have any real practical use, unless you go on to higher education.

BS’s on the other hand are worth it

Pittsburgh is a great city, and like i said, it will be on an upswing

it’s probably because all the white kids who think they’re not. this is a very confused city from my last 6 month observation

:rofl: gaijin speaks the truth.

haha… yeah you definitely do not need math, spelling or history to do a tech job! hahah

Pittsburgh is great! Plenty of jobs, low cost of living, great real estate prices! Politically the city has problems, nothing that extremely bother me though

I like aluminum…

i seriously hope you are not serious…:hs: