Population of Pissburgh has shrunk

And their idea of bringing in new business is to build casinos:stick: , going to be like another jersey which is a big shithole.

The amount of wealth in a given area is inversely proportional to the number of Democrats running it.

Don’t know if it’s always true, but it sure looks that way here in Pissburgh…

The amount of wealth in a given area is inversely proportional to the number of Democrats running it.

Don’t know if it’s always true, but it sure looks that way here in Pissburgh…

Don’t even get me started on that POS Rendell! :reloading

I believe Butler and Washington counties have increased in population.

Smart people fleeing stupid tax revision and stupid 1% extra sales tax and the list goes on and on…

When I was looking for a new shop, ones in the city where going pretty damn cheap. There is no fuckin way I was going to put up with all the taxes they impose on you though. I hate Carnegie but they show that they want growth by giving poeple a break if they want to do business there.

but the healthcare industry is doing well in a large part to all the elderly ppl here. the elderly all around are sucking this whole area dry, couple that with no new jobs and the death of steel and you get what we got. :ugh2:

Allegheny county has lifted above Florida to have the most elderly residents in the US.

I have no problem with people leaving Pissburgh and have often thought of doing so myself.

Yea just like your still living, it’s always Bush’s fault…

Maybe we should look back to that douche bag Clinton, and sending all of OUR jobs south of the border into Mexico…

I saw we just take our guns, and take OUR state back…

Ah, come on get started. Please???

Would have been gone years ago if it wasn’t for having a child and wife. THe wife only feels safe were she can see family.

But the real down side is, her dad moved to flint michigan about 25 years ago to live and work, now he is looking for a place to move back to around here. As there is no work left in that part of Michigan either. So I dont think it’s just here. There just isn’t any jobs left, since labor is so damn cheap in Mexico…

Between the weather, leadership, jobs, and politics, it’s not really a huge mystery as to why people would leave…

with the baby boomers retiring, I see Pittsburgh about to verge on an upswing.

Westinghouse planning to bring 2000 engineering jobs to Pittsburgh? Well, thats good news for someone in my business as well.

You guys read into things differently.

Look at population trends, the majority of pittsburghers are 45-60. Thats heading into retirement age.

The other booming cities that have the majority of 25-40 will see that their job supply well is drying up, and will come to the Pittsburgh area due to all of the retirees, just watch

Theres a good bit of corporate $$$ running through this area.

Yeah, but retired people aren’t good for the economy.

Florida is ok because the weather attracts young active people as well as the old.

I agree Pgh wil have an upswing, but I don’t see myself sticking around until then.

it seem to me that construction is on a rise here as far as building new house and developing land and also roads getting fixed. the projected out put from what i hear from the stone quarry were i work out of is 2 million tons of stone this summer and the highest amount ever was just over 1 million and that dont include the asphalt that will be hauled this summer and i also hear that the aspalt plant will be running a night shift to compensate the amount of production . right now they usually run a 10 to 12 hour day. hopefully that is a sign of things on the rise in this area and new jobs.

Maybe not a rise in jobs, just a rise in old folks driving slower on good roads…

I think the housing boom was somewhat because of low interest rates. I’m curious where the house construction was at. Wondering how much of it was people building new houses in order to leave Allegheny county.

Yay for asphalt. Boo for tar & chips.

I agree. Until the first plant is built, China steals the technology, and the work tapers back down to nothing, instead of Westinghouse supplying the planned number of plants. But that’s the cynical viewpoint. :slight_smile:

eh, theres still major competitors

I do business with the majority of Pittsburgh Engineering and IT firms, and all of them seem to be expanding :smiley:

I now have an office guy and a shop guy. Barometer of Pittsburgh revival perhaps?

thinking i may stick around my whole life here… pending where iget hired for my future career

What is your future career???