Porsche 997 TT owner turn driveway into a racetrack

fun little clip…

I wonder if he made a shortcut for when he comes home drunk.

Fucking sick.

Wish that was my driveway!

Pretty cool, but Millen’s driveway is better.


So where is the google maps shot of the house and layout?

lolling @ the jump

Must be nice…

i saw this the other day… gave me an lol.

That is on the top of my list of things to do when I get rich.

Ill take one of those! That is all.

I love the 90’s jeep parked outside the multi million dollar house.

I bet his dad was pissed when he came home and saw the rubber…

What does this guy do for a living? wtf.

I bet it’s his kids jeep, some rich people dont necessarily spoil their kids.

So true, one of the nicest kids I know is the son of a family friend. Dude made his millions as a self made business owner and his entire family is SO NICE! Not all rich people are douchnozzzles. I often find it’s the people trying to be “like” the rich people that are the douchiest.

I think Beck referred to them once as “thirtythousandaires.”

Cool vid, super jealous.

The owner of the company I work for drives his 90’s Cherokee everyday.

He has a 90’s jag xk8 as well but even those are sub 10k used right now :shrug: not exactly a high dollar show off vehicle. some people don’t flaunt it as much or like travisn said it could be his kid’s car.

lulz at thirtythousandaires

I don’t know about the landscaping though, one slip up on a turn and it quickly becomes a pretty embarrassing phone call to the insurance company.

“I crashed my car into a tree on my driveway heading to the garage…”

^ Wonder if insurance would classify that driveway as a track or a driveway. At least he doesn’t have track curbing like some of the other driveway tracks.

lol at :40 in.

and touching on the thirtythousandairs, they are the worst :confused:

And then theres some people who make good $ and don’t flaunt it… one of my supervisors at work makes ~130k a yr (which isn’t a ton but it’s upper middle class) and he drives a beat up early 90’s exploder…and could care less waht it looks like.

  1. Way too much money on his hands.
  2. I think the trees and brick walls ought to provide adequate feedback for excessive speed on the turns.
  3. Don’t people get lost delivering pizza’s. Maybe there’s a sign saying “Caution: Racing may be in progress”.