Nice Driveway

A close look even reveals curbing :slight_smile:,-81.663721&spn=0.003597,0.006952&z=18

your point is?

and, why is this in Gen Auto?

if i had my house with a lot of land i always wanted a “fun” way to the house where i can light up my tires, long driveway but it would probly be really expensive, this is fawqing sweet

thats hot, but i’d have made it a little longer

still, leet

it’s a track!

Seriously :slight_smile: I guess I could have put it in the motorsports forum but then no one would look at it.

needs a bridge or intersection

yea., no shit.

let me be more specific: Brilliant. lets promote people going there and trying to “test” their setups on residential property. SWEET. moved to OT.


it’s a nice driveway, architectually speaking, still, i’d like to visit mumbai someday?

^+ karma

:roflpicard: sorry then? I wasn’t pointing it out as some where to go, just a cool idea that I would think lots of people would want, a race track for their driveway. No need to get your butt hurt, you can move it if you want.

Oh of course. my bad. I should;ve realized that someone spent close to 6 figures on a driveway with curbs because they wanted a race track for a driveway. Obviously someone in that house is a mad 7334 car guy who has that kind of dispoable income. Cause, you know, 1/4 mile long concrete driveways only cost like $100.


:mamoru: RELAX



:mamoru: I wasn’t pointing out the straight driveway man, look above it

Holy shit who pissed in your Cherrios today? lol

Yeah, definitely looking at the wrong driveway

If you add a really Russian accent to “Nice Driveway”, that’s how you toast someone while drinking :tup:

edit: “Na Zdorovie!” means “To Health!”