Coolest Driveway ever

Here’s the google earth link:,-81.663912&spn=0.001136,0.001717&z=19

:+1 !!!

you can even see the apex coner strips. or whatever there called.

wow thats awesome!

That would be pretty sick . Winter, some drifto action in your own driveway !!!

:ninja what does winter have to do with anything?

thats bad ass. but…it would annoy me on a day to day basis.

all the drive ways for the surronding houses are huge!!

But if you had a lap timer rigged up to the driveway with a break beam setup and display, it would be fun to come home from work and rip a couple laps around the track to beat your best time!!!

who here can pave? I have almost 10 acres… lets build a “driveway” :slight_smile:

friggen sweet.

FWDFTL :retardclap

I’ve always said if I ever make enough money I’m gonna build a road course in my back yard. Rally course will come too if I’m really rich.

And… Back to reality

fucking sick!

Holyshit that is awesome. When I first saw the title…I was expecting this…

^^^^ what happens if you dont have brakes, or they fail as your leaving?


I’d get about 10 laps on that driveway and get bored, then proceed to cut across the lawn back home.

was thinking what u corrected after i posted it haha

Yeah either the guy owns a Pro-4 truck, or just uses the garages for storage. You won’t be getting your average Toyota Camry over that grade change :lol

this girl i was seeing in Durham a few years ago, i used to drive a 92 plymouth acclaim (i put big ass tires on it for shits and gigs) before it was blown up, but i would get high centered on her driveway, i had to get speed at it to get down into her driveway haha (i had no exhaust :rofl ) i went to see her after i lowered the sentra (still using the 13’'s) you could sit on my hood and use the car as a teeter totter rofl