Coolest driveway ever

Kawasaki commercial?

thats awsome!! ive always dreamed of doing something like that if i ever won a shitload of money$$$

Lol, and his neighbor has like a 1/4 mile stretch to drag on haha.

wonder what his garage looks like…

^ Not small… Look in the top right, looks like he’s got a parking lot/paddock area outside of his garage.

damn the the owner can wipeout before he even hit the street lol

that is so awesome

where is it?

No!!! … This is the coolest driveway ever!!!

That’s John Travolta’s driveway.

Too bad he’s a Scientologist :/:

Wow to both driveways fuck and to think i liked a regular U shaped driveway.

LOL @ the plane.

Those driveways aren’t cool.
They are Baller.

if I had a driveway like that, it would be a pain in the ass to shovel it but its worth it if you feel like driftin at home

^^ If you had a drive way like that it would be heated so you wouldn’t have to shovel… or at the very least you would have a plow lol

you could drift in your driveway and have mad ppl over to drift all the time. SICKKKK

this is also the driveway that some kid launched an M5 bimmer off of, and killed a bunch of people, correct? :stuck_out_tongue:

M5??? I thought it was the Mtree

M3? thought it was a 4door? I dunno.

it was a fast bimmer. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… i’m a jackass for finding humor in this, but i thought it was funny.

true say, id be holdin drift events at home everyday. just add a tire machine and a pit stop area drift all and and night with your buddies or you can improve your skills. practice makes perfect