Coolest driveway ever

This is sick. I would defiantly do this then charge people to use it. Would pay for its self in no time. + it gives you great bargaining rights.

I would say he lives where it doesn’t snow.

Haha, I’m with you on that one Cal.


How much and when, I want one now.

what the second last episode of the current fifth gear season, some Arabian prince in the Emirates has a 6 mile touge going up to his palace. Now thats baller.

ya but most arab countries have amazing infrastructure (prior to being destroyed by americans/british) so thats not that special lol

i don’t c the point of that comment, we are simply talking about driveways

well its not something out of the ordinary over there, having something like the travolta stuff here is out of the ordinary lol

Why did you have to mention “(prior to being destroyed by americans/british)” ?

oh I’m sorry i hurt your feelings.

The travolta thing is cool, but a drag stip kinda gets boring, if i was made of money i’d want a mountain road going to my house.

there is a house by my place that just paved his driveway this summer… nice straight 500m of fresh tar. All it needs now is a timing system and some lights… thats my dream of a driveway

(fobwall + rogerthat240 + thread = fucking useless)

(fobwall + rogerthat240 + thread = LOL )


What colour was the Mtree was it Arange ???

noo I think it was a M5… this one???!?!?!

fuck, travolta wins

According to that read , it’s the “communities” airport .

there was a tread about that a while ago… the kid was on a forum and all the sudden he just stopped posting and then the relised what happend, it was sad.

haha i get the Mtree joke now… fuck im slow.

what is with the Arange?

but it wasn’t sad… more like shocking and its a big community that was like “good for him”

hey that was a nice car to go to such a waste!