Porsche: "Nissan cheated w/GTR @ Ring"

He says there was no tweaking of any kind and the GT2 and Turbo both ran on regular Porsche road tyres, the Michelin Sport Cup.

Uh I don’t know about the 997 GT2 but regular 911’s don’t come with pilot sport cup’s (r-comps) stock.

You drive around on the street with r-comps?

Sport Cups come stock on GT3’s and 2’s in Europe, but not at most dealers in the US. Most of them are partnered with Pirelli (atleast they were for MY08). I know tons of people who daily sport cups though and just do the extra tread cuts for water.

I got a set that had 75% left for less than New PS’s

There was a video on youtube of a Road and Track or similar Magazine editor saying that they were sorry the testing numbers on the GTR were so inconsistant, but the initial testing was on cars Nissan provided and they could never come close to the numbers those cars produced with the cars they later tested that were randomly selected from dealerships.

It seems clear Nissan played with the cars for better press, which is a shame because it’s still a cool car. I’m sure they’re not the only ones doing this, but it seems they went a bit overboard.

just curious if i’m the only one that saw though that in the article MPD originally quoted in his first post, where it said that the GTR’s 7:50 time was ran on a “particularly wet track?”

shouldn’t that be taken into account as well?

to really do a fair comparison shouldn’t conditions be identical for each car to run?

i’m not taking any side here because so far every car mentioned in this thread i love…sure i’m partial to nissans since i’m a nissan owner…but that doesn’t matter here.

i just don’t see how people can be comparing a time on a wet track to ones that were perfected over time on optimal track conditions…

The time for the CGT was on a wet track, as was the time for the GT2, as was the time for the X5 LeMans and the 599GTB. It said partially, not particularly as in, two corners.

Reading comprehension > Andy


You are right, I was just saying the Porsches were probably running on on much better tires even if they are “stock”

It was in the magazine also.

The first 2 GTR’s that they tested all did the 1/4 mile in 11.5-11.6 secs. Then they got into the 3rd one and immediately felt that something was wrong. They tested it and it ran the 1/4 mile in 12.5 or something like that. They ran 8 of them total, some pure random ones too. The 1/4 mile times were very inconsistent. You’ll either own a mid 11 second one, or a mid 12 second one. There was an explanation issued by Nissan, but I forget what they said it was.

Irregardless, i am sure the one that was at the ring was a “tuned” model for sure.

Launching it is a pain in the ass. You’ve got to do a few things a certain way, otherwise it bogs down a bit when you launch.

It’s actually quite easy. Still magazine racing?

Well apparently SideWinderGX has spent a considerable amount of hands on time with the car, and everyone else is purely speculating based 4th party experience.
