Porter Cable 7424

LOL … Thats what I was figuring … Have you gotten your hands on a UDM yet? … Your more than welcome to borrow mine if you want to try it out

A 50/50 alch/water mix wipedown will remove any and all oils left behind from polishing. Oils will fill in scratches, making them appear to be gone, when really the oils just filled them in, and they will return.

I dont use/care to much for megs compounds. I use Menzerma/Pinnacle compounds, polishes, etc.

I would have to actually see your paint to give you the best advice. I would wash, clay, Menz IP with orange pad if its bad … or white pad if its just minor spots … follow with FP with grey/blue pad … then Pinnacle Souveran by hand and your car will look do deep you’d sware you could dive in!