Possible new car......

stalled auto = same as dropping clutch @ xxxx rpm.

dropping clutch at 4k with stock 10 bolt = Boom.

stalled auto’s are easier on the rear sence you can preload the suspension before the launch…not the same.

Pfft Richies stock rear end has seen countless launchings and that shits still fine

he told me his 10 bolt is built to the hills lol

stock gears yes, everything else is aftermarket. He bought it like that.

His shit is not built at all. Its got gears. Its all factory stuff in that rear end.

It has slp products in it. Im pretty sure its still on stock axles

what rpm’s does he launch at??

Its been launched at 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000. A bunch of different rpm’s to find the optimal launch spot

do you know what worked best for him?? Reason im asking is I havent tried launching over 2500


On street tires I think it was like 2700 slipping the clutch. With radials it was some around around 3 or 3200 I think. Do a burn out in 2nd gear. Not a huge smoke show but a decent burn out and it grabs good

Pipe down ricer. Oh I haz a 3830282828 horse power supra but I run 13’s. GTFO

12.6 @123 stock fuel T60 FTW

Damn it trapped the high with that sketchy set up?

Yea, dont ask how, cus I’m not sure.

Impressive.Bring it back to the track on race gas now

lol thats almost as bad as my 13.1 @ 116

I got some playing around to do I guess.

Drew, I would be more than happy sometime to show you how to dig out your car. There are ways to launch from 4K+ without xploding the rear end. The turbo/AWD drive guys will know what i’m talking about. When I launch I never DROP the clutch, that is ricer talk. With turbo/AWD drive you need to preload the drivetrain by slipping the clutch out and dropping it all in one motion. Otherwise you fall on your face. Same goes for launching your/my car, I will usually bring the revs to about 4K and do the same, slip and drop all in one motion. This will put the pressure on the clutch more than it will the rear end, and replacing a clutch > replacing a rear end. So really, if you have a good clutch you should be able to pull sub 2 sec 60’ launches and pick up a few at the end of the track.

In my car the stock clutch goes before the tires so my 60’s at this point suck and are higher than 2 secs but only because of my shitty clutch, when I replace that, the car will be a different monster on the track. I ran a 13.1 bone stock with a slipping clutch running 2.3 60’s. With a good clutch it will wake up more. I havent been to the track yet this year but when I go ill let you know and we can take a couple runs together.

My pass should of been mid to low 11s. That was on pump gas.

Race now should turn low 10s knocking on 9s door. But I dont have it setup to run like that.