Post a photo of your cubical/office/workspace!

haha my office is trashed…

some nice offices!

lol, look at your baby datacenter … :stuck_out_tongue:

lol the servers are not here…thats in house stuff.

my desk > *

oh and since then ive been moved to a corner office.

im too lazy to find the pic. someone help

I’ve only been here about 3 weeks so my office is pretty clean, but un-pimp too.
Plus I’m the n00b sharing an office with an OG so he has most of the space (not that I need it yet.)
I might end up with at least my own office, if not my own remodeled office in a month or two so at least there’s hope…

Look at a pile of dirt and you see what I do lol. I’m a landscaper.

its not my actual office but close enought to let you guys get the picture

merge time

well, technically, my office that i earn a living out of is a dark, greasy pit in the quick lube lane at Paddock Chevrolet. when im at home, this is what i got:

My office…yes it is boring, but I don’t have time to decorate.


:hateyou: Where do you work at?

yea so it would take me at least a week before my desk was clean enough soooooooooo im not going to picture it. not as bad as some but a lot worse then most

If i had a Camera Phone i would take a pic…

B2 Technologies /

did you design thier logo?
