Post a photo of your cubical/office/workspace!

I don’t really get why everyone’s excited about Dozr’s workspace. Sure it’s got pretty colors and shapes, but it’s not even a cubicle. No privacy.

They had those same walls at, looks nice and its an uber expensive cubicle but still a cubicle. When i was at adelphia we all had herman miller chairs, those were baller but it was stull cubicle land. I miss having an office, we moved to our new building and we lost it for used, stained green cubicle walls, YAY!!

less privacy = more productivity.

well i do have to admit that the best thing about my desk is my chair! yea baby it is a racing chair

Yeah I suppose I’m living proof of that.


Where I am most productive :tup:

haha beeramid :tup:

Though the beeramid wouldn’t have been possible without my hard working assistants :tup: I guess that’s why they pay us the big bucks. :gotme:


All 24 of em?

I lost track of how many after a while.

best beer and best office picture here. hands down. but is that a bowl of baked beans? wtf?

here is my office. straight from my lap at 2:26pm this afternoon.

bah, I’ll have to bring camera tomorrow to get pic of my office

haha, rick james in the background FTW

I prefer this setup, much easier to communicate with the rest of the marketing team. My back is against a wall and the only person that can see my desk is the girl who sits in the space next to me. There are only 3 of us in this room.


Cubicle does not = privacy.
Cubicle = illusion of privacy.

I now know who in my office’s 15 y/o daughter is pregnant :mamoru: Thanks Cubicle™!

I like the open-air deal, so long as I don’t have someone on the other side of my screen facing me.

^^ pics of 15 year old daughter?


Issss she haWtt???

That’s as clean as it gets. I have a lot of junk.