Post a pic of your favorite looking dog.
My dog Roxy.

im with psychopjv

werd I just bought a doberman puppy, I pick her up on sunday, pics to follow. Sweetest dogs ever. My dog taking a shit.

reggie smalls.

I want one.

My pitt bull mix

i like your dog chino, how does he behave?

Either a Husky, a Golden, or I must be partial to my dopey dog…

He’s an American Yellow Lab.

This is our “baby bubba” aka “bubberz” aka “bubba J” aka “J-DON” but his real name is Jordan and he came out looking like an Ewok but hes just a Shi-tzhu (sp). Hes about a 1 1/2 years old, we grew that brown hair out as long as possible but once we shaved him for the first time he came out white.

this is his first experiance with snow

lol cute ^

awesome dogs, b4 i got bear i had josh, a blue doberman, very nice dog, except when ppl came ringing the doorbell…lol

i grew up with a Brown Doberman, we never trimmed his ears so he was never badass looking but he was cool as hell. His name was Zach and I once watched him beat the hell out of and kill two possums at the same time. I also had to wrestle him once when i was 10 to save some of our kittens that wondered into the backyard. I will own another one when i have a House.

RIP Zach

here is a recent pic of my husky shelby…11 weeks now…this photo was taken shortly after satan entered her little body.

we have 2 dogs:

Cramer, a 2 year old Labradoodle (mix between a Lab and a full-size Poodle). hes an awsome dog. really loyal, good with people, not too crazy. dumb as a bag of bricks though, and hes kinda big (bigger than we ever thought he would get LOL). really low maintanence, but he does shed (hes not supposed to though, but whatever):

we had 2 Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, one died at a pretty early age, Boomer, and i miss him a lot. the other one is Crakers, and we still have her. shes 6 or 7 now (i cant remember). no lie, these are the best dogs…ever. I will deffinately have one of these when i have my own house. i could make a HUGE list of why these dogs are so great, but they are basically everything anyone could ever want in a dog. only thing that sucks about them, is they are kidna high-maintainence, as in you have to brush them a lot and stuff. they dont shed though which is nice.
Boomer is on the Left, Crackers on the Right:

meh… he behaves like an untrained bulldog - he sits for treats and walks, he barks viciously at other dogs but he is extremely friendly and would rather lick anything than bite it :tup:

When he was a bit younger he was terrible in the house (chewed everything) but now he just sticks to eating tupperware :wink:

Only real complaint is he is very strong and tough to walk, couple that with the aggression towards other dogs and it’s not the most pleasant dog to walk… I walk him in the mornings and its fine but with a lot of dogs out it sucks, overall he is very nice though, he just tries to act tough :lol:

Here’s my little Boxer named Lola…she’s nuts!!!

Doberman > *

kind of partial to this dog…