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:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

my bad that looked like a slave

struts are load carrying foo

:rofl I forgive you

lol, no it is a strut/shock

is there a difference? i could never figure that out (it’s for the rear, it’s not a macphearson strut, i think it’s called a multi-link, if that makes a difference)

It’s a strut or shock :rofl

they’re exactly the same thing or just similar?

(directed to someone other than charlie murphy (swaybarz) )

or should i say… foos

Ask dkid15

bish im just a n00basaurus rex tryin to lern $hit


Well now you know. Shocks control springs… they do not carry load

tank u sir

thank hvcc and its fine staff

Fast decals for my GTI in Dark Grey! Awesome deal!

if you dont have a mk5 :gtfo with that “fast” mumbo jumbo.

yeah you just need a character called

Exactly :shifty

and note the asterisks, thats if your transmission doesnt fall apart :gay:down