Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

加快访问网站速度,在网络出现拥挤或故障时,可通过代理服务器访问目的网站。比如A要访问C网站,但A到C网络出现问题,可以通过绕道,假设B 是代理服务器,A可通过B, 再由B到C。大家还记得前几个月,有段时间网络不正常,基本访问不了外国网站,如GOOGLE,YAHOO,甚至连CCF都访问不了,心里很着急。结果通过一个代理服务器,发现都可以访问,速度还不错,在这样的情况下,代理服务器就可以发挥很大的作用了。还有一类代理服务器备份有相当数量的缓存文件,如果我们当前所访问的数据在代理服务器的缓存文件中,则可直接读取,而无需再连接到远端Web服务器。这样,加快了访问速度。

Go fuck a goat.

Can they borrow your tent?

no sex in the tent regardless of what its with

13" Macbook Pro
16gb iPod Touch

Ahh graduation money…i spent it on my car :rofl

me too… well, I bought a car with it. haha


your missing the letter R in charged in your sig


Thank you,



I never even noticed that. hahah

LMAO!!! [COLOR=Black]fuckin jackass:haha:haha:haha[/COLOR]

would you like pictures before, during and after too?

he wants a vid too

he is such a goon :facepalm X2


Next thing will be a bag to carry the camera, lens, etc., or backpack like AMD IS THE BEST has.

Nice, but why the fuck would you park in the weeds? :facepalm

1.5" front and 2" rear.

I actually am going with Progress springs, the eibach sportlines lower 2" and 2.5" respectively but the ride SUCKS. Bouncy on the highway and rough around town. The springs I just ordered aren’t as much of a drop but they ride like stock and since the car is my daily that’s just what I am looking for.

After having such a good time using kpro this weekend ive decided to finally invest. Thmotorsport had a great deal and i pulled the trigger. Finally.

I got my springs from THM. Good shit.

How much was Hondata? HP Tuners is like 500 bucks…

K-Pro for the K20a3(like he has) is around the same for the K20a2(02-04 RSX-S)…so probably around $1k