Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

OBD 0 haiiiiiiiiiii :gay



Your car still up here? i go to nyc alot. i couldnt imagine owning a car if i lived down there. would rather not want my car hit like every taxi.

FUCK no, MR2 is locked up tight for hibernation til april. i would be hesitant to even bring a beater to NYC (in before “ur MR2 IZ a beater” jokesterz)

off the road? if so, then atleast you save $$ from that and stupid assholes.


(If you have no clue what i mean, someday soon youll get it )

kramer im goign to steal your RS soon


Retrofitted OEM projectors arrived today (thank you text from mom)

I’ll be sure to take 100,000 HDR photographs so you guys can see the end result. :slight_smile:

i cant wait…


carbon hardtop for the miata, nice

yes its off the road haha. its not gonna be chillin for ~7months for nothing


Just a couple ES bushings for my powersteering rack

and some Hawk HPS Pads. Goodbye shitty organic pads

changin the fronts ha ? how is the rears treatin ya

Changing them all around, they’re super quiet but they can’t stop worth a shit man lol

I forget, you changed both the fronts and rears when I bought it in right?

Fuck me I know this is a bit old, but how do ya like it? Been thinkin about getting one in the near future

Lift ticket to Jiminy peak its the white thing on my right wrist.

One of the best investments I have ever made.

With really crappy tires :ninja