Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Foot long cold cut combo on Italian bread with lettuce, tomato, american cheese and thousand island dressing.


sounds tasty.

It was.

No consequence of the aftershits, either. :slight_smile:

give it time.

+1, I didn’t want to be the one calling BS on getting it in bottle form…


a set of these for those hard 4wd launches and maybe a sled pull!

and this for the dmax so the above gets done alot faster!!!

Still cant believe you bought a Dmax :crazy

yeah i need something sweet to tow around the next toy!!! looking for a sweet trailer now would prefer closed but they are a bit pricey. so we’ll see wat i find!


No, I have no idea, but glad to hear you’re getting back into toys!

You and Jim sold everything to get something “nice”.

Crazy bastids.

If you need a trailer that means two things.

  1. It’s a car
  2. It’s a crazy/crappy car which is so nuts it can blow up at anytime and you will need to tow it home.

Either way full of win :number1

:rofl lol maybe…

Haha awesome picture, shit will be destroyed with this.

quoted for clarity

LOL i told this girl that it eats babies, i think she cried:ahh

lol get ready adam

sick! powerslide FTW

that reminds me i need a new p00percharger belt next season :frowning:

:excitedwhat are the specs?

looks bright and shiny