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MaD VtEc YoOoOoO!!


Yeah the ep3 is THe worst looking civic on the planet.

Is that the one where the toilet plunger looking shifter is on the center stack?

Ahaha yeah!


(no pun intended)

Its just transportation for school. I dont have to worry about this breaking as it only has 56k on it and its an 02.

Good deal.

RELIABLE and economical dd’s ftw.

Yea I wont fuck with any thing on this car. I wont keep it long enough to

Those actually seem like a sweet winter rig.

Can you fit a board/skis in the back fairly easily?

You need to run the a4


Let me run your luxury yacht with my economy cookie cutter.

ricer :tongue
More earphones…

looks like the vent for my dryer


i hid them in my front fenders in my mitsu. maybe theres room in urs?

dumb move man…you’ll regret this one…stock lights FTW!!!

Thats awesome! I need those to go with my snow camo headliner