and don’t forget
Just a Ruger 10/22 Carbine and an Archangel 5.56 kit. Mine has a composite “display” bayonet though.
and don’t forget
Just a Ruger 10/22 Carbine and an Archangel 5.56 kit. Mine has a composite “display” bayonet though.
info on the tank?
Its electric and 7.2v lol Cool tho
iPhone 4 ftw.
Looks good dood.
thats not my car I posted, but I hope it will look good!
that thing has got to be heavy as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I was gonna say that one looked silver and had a black front valance.
The Big Z28 wasnt enough of a give away for ya? LOL
Well, that too lol.
You forgot the part where it has a turret that rotates 320 degrees, elevates 20 degrees and fires airsoft ammo 25 meters.
Awesome. I have a micro one that can “laser” another one lol Not nearly as cool.
spring assisted sog twitch II and some ammo
:rofl ya do realize its a fabbed 9in . therefore it is 10-15 lbs lighter than stock lolol . do some research youngster
well it looks heavy as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
for your pubes?
i buyeded one of these, because stock 4 spokes SUCK
(not actual)
because I’m in it :excited