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whats that for ? so ya d-j ilya,s first laying party ?

If he wants me to, I’d be down. That’s a very special event. :rofl

i know dude , i mean think of all the bible thumpers . although do ya have any music from ilya,s favouritw wrapper ? ya know that gangsta jew ? lolol

Caz, consider yourself invited on my honeymoon. Any preference on honeymoon destination? I was thinking somewhere tropical.

i see a red x charles …

Tropical = swampy MENS ASSES


Ibiza. I need to know one thing though. Do you swing?

On a swing set? Sure.



You said sure, so I’ll bring the camera. Your future ex wife will have an excellent time.

im cummin to then ,

those look fucking great!


over killllllllllllllllllllllll . a good set comp 918,s or patriots would have been good to go mann

besides , ya dont drive it anyway so why mod it ???

i love you