Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

right…i have no clue what you’re advocating here.

Is that just a picture he drew up? I need a place to get one done some time in the near future and was looking for suggestions.

Did chode stunter really get that Chevy logo on his back? :rofl

Some streetside vendor in NYC did mine. Was cheap and I even saw him clean the needle before he started!


bro it looks like there’s a scooby doo episode on your chest, it’s comical, really.

Everything was free handed as we went. Only thing traced was the moon in the sky coming out of the clouds. The lines on the house were all free handed because i wanted them to not be 100% straight and dedicated to give it the look of the house falling apart and being uneven. Still probably 6 hours left to go with shadowing and lighting up of certain reflections and places from the moon. Still need to get water on the far side under the other trees as well. My arm was done by him too. Probably 40+ hours into it over the past 4 years. I can post pics of that if youd like and i can get you in touch with him. He does really good work, one of the best in the area by far.

Thats great. I find your taste in your vehicle comical but, im not on here busting your stones over it. we all have different tastes and thats how it is. Its supposed to have a cartoonish look to it. Its a haunted house on a cemetery in a thunderstorm.

not as nice as the tattoo mentioned above but heres the latest purchase

Nice is that a 330Ci or M3?

nvm, saw your other thread

That car is gorgeous.

srs? looks like m3 to me.

the latest:

fffffffuuuuuuuu you and everyone else on this board was trying to buy that

IDK pic is dark as fuck, suck my limp dick Wayne.

Nice homo ride BTW :slight_smile:

fffffffffff uuuuuuuuuuuu you??? hmmmmmmm…

anyway, you’re gonna have to be a little faster on CL if you’re gonna buy one out from under me lolol!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

i just might, someones gotta use that thing once in awhile!!! bahahahah selfpwn.

Is that a jetta?

yea. i know, im gay, its cool.

ffffffuuuuuuuuuu!!!11111!!!1 :lol eh little ginger had fun with it last week