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yeah , i know Dan B did his arm … but this just doesnt look like him to me

fill us in nick


If that’s really you then you sir are a fucking idiot.

Cool. I like tattoos and what i have. Wont stop me from any career choices at all. I see no problems with it. To each their own mr. Bfizzle.

that’s really you?

You don’t HAVE to, by any means, but could you explain the significance?


Im a big fan of old horror movies and i used to live in a house that looked exactly like that and the tattoo was modled after it. It ties into my sleeve as well. No real 100% significance. I also have my dogs name tattooed on me and Glenn Quagmire ripping out of my foot, so that should explain how much i care.

Damn, I was gonna guess Adams Family house.

I was gonna guess a waste of money

Let’s go get tattoos of horns on our ass cheeks this weekend!

I want mine across my face


I want a lot of hair tattooed on my ass

tattoos do not need to have any significance nor meaning.

Yeh just like you dont need to get a fucking house on your chest


It really upsets you that much that you need to carry in about it? Its a personal interest in something i like and its awesome work. Its nothing out of the normal.

Says the guy with a crooked chevy tramp stamp.

I don’t think covering your entire midsection in permanent ink is what most would consider normal, but carry on.
