Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

After almost 2 years of itching to be able to post this… finally!:

Rest of the pics/info here:

If I got my penis stuck in one of my spokes… I’d be makin hella porn videos cause my joint would be about 3 ft long. :rofl

Truth… EFI LIVE.

wat motor is in the van lly?


You got any tune files I can look at? I’m working on this tune build for the van and I want to compare some known good tunes with mine.

Update: It’s absolutely retarded fast. I can’t even really describe it, I’ll just have to bring it out. I will 0-70 anyone on this forum lolz…

Is it faster than the one that you had out with you the other night? You coming to highbridge tonight?

Yea, it’s definitely faster than that. I don’t know if I’m going to make it to Highbridge tonight, I have some other shit to do. We’ll see… I’ll bring the R/C if I make it out though.

i do have the tune files for my truck. im not sure they are gonna help you though as the lbz is a whole diff beast, compared to the lly(inj/turbo/compression/etc…). my dad has an lly and i had his files on my desktop ill see if i still have his. if not i might be able to read his ecm and send them to you if he brings his truck over on easter

'06+ LLY is just an LBZ with software detuning. and

Highbridge. :rofl

Nice dude! Awsome spot too. That place has good property.

Have both of those lol. Zero is the best. I have TR3 also.


man, i have fresh oem 100mm axles sitting around. is that an Empi axle?
