Post a PIC of your latest purchase.


ive always had good luck buyin nerd junk from them

I buy errdything there. Hooked up HDD, no go. :frowning:

They got you a new one though right? I never had issues with Newegg, probably spent 5k through them over the years.

No, i figured I’d just buy it local and not wait another 5 days.

Ni99a you trippin, most of my newegg stuff is like next day

Took 5 days to get everything but my case.

I usually get stuff next day from NewEgg also. Yous gettin shafted

KOTS is gettin playeddd son

fuck all your couches’

Fucking WD FTL. See above post.

WD is still king.

Gangstas rock Seagate brah

Barracuda can suck a dick

Be my guest


Its prob a fish biting a dudes junk. lol

How come when I asked awhile back if Seagate or WD was better, I got they are the same quality?

Just a pic of a barracuda I pulled off google

Because they are.

they must both SUCK FUCKING DICKS then cause all my WDs are fucking garbage.
