Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Got myself the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Was going to get the HTC EVO View 4G but after seeing the HTC Flyer (same as the view) next to the Galaxy, it was too small.

Very cool ^

Our ad space is too crowded :frowning:

Gotta get used to typing on this guy…might buy their keyboard and dock.

Nah, get used to the touch screen and you will be fine.

Defeats the purpose of it IMO, if your going to do that mine as well have bought a Netbook or a Chromebook

Not really…could use it in school much more…but at home or while traveling use it in normal mode. I did download this neat thumb keyboard though…definitely helps.

Manually servicing snakes is slowmarro’s job.

i look at my situation like a “dose of their own medicine” deal. and one that means srs bzns. half of the domestic crowd wouldnt even know how fast my car is even if i told them the mods i have. i has no blower. they be hatin

can i v8 hunt with you guys too :hug

not allowed to v8 hunt with a v8

Fortunately he has a V10.

good, cuz i don’t have one!!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

So close to neg rep, but I love ya Ryan and wont do it to you.


terrible. I’m so disappointed in you Ryan :frowning:

especially since Bryan was the one that mentioned the Vipers as an alternative to the C6Zs i was lookiing at.


and yes viperz>C6zzzz
