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2 posts about period blood is FAR too many

Easton, PA?

Theres atleast 3 fireworks places there within a mile and atleast one of the stores has everything buy one get one free all the time. Ive been there a few times.

they sell fireworks at walmart down here, might scoop some before i come home tomorrow

def. buying some fireworks this weekend in NH :smiley:

I’ll be launching mortars at you from Crooked Lake

Do we need a dedicated fireworks thread?

I think we may

If you do dont post any shitty walmart fireworks in there

I think so

agreed. and its not all about HUGEFUCKINGMORTARS either - I personally like two kinds of fireworks.

1/ dynamite (srsly…)
2/ the cool shit that spins and flys up in the air, not some pussy fountains or roman candles

Just got back from a roadtrip to get fireworks. Picked up some of these bad boys:

And as long as no one calls the cops, I’ll break out the good stuff:


Not a new purchase, but my flywheel finally came today:

Weighing in at 11.5lbs vs the factory 29lbs.

what’s that to?

I’ll post up a step-by-step ‘how to’ on making the cannons that have drawn EMS/Fire Dept to my house because someone thought a murder went down lol

G6. Only cost me $795 for the flywheel because it’s the only one ever made.

Here’s the entire assembled time bomb.

Jesus fuck that’s alot of money