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truck vs truck brah

Yeah I have had 13 dsm’s maybe more I honestly lost count. But there more reliable then the haters make them out to be. There still junk but I have never been left stranded by one. Broke axles and all.

Yeah bro, Ive had about 4 first gens, ALL reliable though not all of them were built. Had a couple problems with 2nd gens but nothing crazy.

Here was my baby (93 i think), the only 1rst gen I ever had with leather, fronts were fucked, but back seat was fucking MINT

Already have.

WTFUCK happened in pic 4?! at least the FMIC survived lol…

fast and furious diamond tread floors

Tickets to see these guys at the Palace in Sept:

Awwww…no more Subie rumble with equal length tubez :cry:

5.3L buddiezzzz.
We’ll both put it in 4-Low and go from a dig to 20MPH. You down?


That is nowhere near equal length.

Was racing an Sti on Washington Ave extension a few yrs back and some ni99a was in an explorer and wouldnt drive when the light turned green bc he was watching the race and i guess he thought it ended before we reached the light?.. Tried to brake but the ground was wet, did a 1080 and smashed into the explorer at like 70.

so youre one of the reasons racing on the extension gets shut down instantly now?

no, a black dude that decided that the middle of the st was a parking spot to watch racing is one of the reasons the extension gets shut down instantly… cops didnt even come, me and 3 friends rolled the car into the woods.

well the police station is like 50’ away from the light everyone races at might be another reason :lol

that police station closed a few years ago

Yeahhh :number1

there’s always Albany 5-0 there i live about 15 seconds away from the firehouse where they always park. i remember last year I was sitting by pine west watching a race, 15 seconds later 5-0 everywhere they shut the extension down completely. was crazy we were parked there for at least a hour in the middle of the road.

You goin?

nope still keeping the rumble