Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Know I’d like to also
it didint work last time

Is it 12 front 6 back and y did u go 12k/6k? Also I think u should do the quarters before u do other things, get the body done first

KBB. Pm me cost for a night in that bangroom


The TL need body work?

Thought he was talking about his hatch lol

Those are for the TL :lol I already have a Tein/Kyb setup for the hatch, just have to dig it out of storage.

It has a tiny, like smaller than diameter of a dime, dent on the rear where the bumper meets the body, that it. That will be fixed by the dealer as soon as I get a chance to take the car back there. I made them agree to fix it before I bought it.

dont forget the tint, doooood

Looks like a turbo to me

i lied…

Your lying right now prly

i have everything minus the turbo


Yeah. No.

10 consecutive handies. :lol

I looked it up lol.

The “room” thats above mine occupies 2 floors…thats some big money, heavy weight. The room I had was 1200 sq ft., that one is over 1800 I believe. I’m still trying to get past the fact we could close the curtains via the TV remote on the TV. :eek3

Yeah, the romantic package etc was like 1300$ a night. Im taking Sbardy there for Valentines day.

Awwwwwweeee :rofl